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5 Reasons Why Now (during COVID-19) is the BEST Time to Study for the GRE, GMAT, or LSAT

Updated: Feb 7

Many students may be hesitant to studying during these uncertain times; however, below I have compiled a list of 5 reasons why now is the BEST time to study for the GRE, GMAT or LSAT.

1. You Have Time / No Distractions

When you study for the GMAT and GRE, you need to devote every inch of your attention to the exam in order to master all the content, which may seem like an impossible and daunting task when you have so many other priorities. This is typically challenging for many individuals considering you may rather hangout with your friends and family, workout at the gym, attend parties, etc. However, since you are forced to stay inside and limit activities, now is the perfect time to prepare for the exam! You have no distractions and can fully immerse yourself in the study process.

2. At Home Testing is Available

This is the first time EVER that you can take the GRE, GMAT or LSAT in the comfort of your own home, which is a familiar study environment. It is proven that if you take a test in the environment that you study, you will be more comfortable and confident, which in turn can increase your score. Additionally, in the testing center there are many distractions (ie, other students, proctor, etc), yet at home you can control the testing environment, limiting distractions. For more information on taking the GRE at home, gladly visit here and for more information on taking the GMAT at home, please visit here.

3. You Won’t Want to do it After the Quarantine

Once the quarantine is over, you will want to go out of the house and enjoy every minute that you can (or at least that is my plan)! The last thing you’ll want to do is stay home and study. Hence, now is the perfect time to get all your studying done so when the quarantine is over you can enjoy every waking moment and not have to continue to stay home to study.

4. We Don’t Know When the Quarantine Will End

Some student’s might be hopeful to take the test in the traditional testing environment and wish to postpone their studying to wait for a better time; however, we don’t know how long the quarantine will last. For all we know, it could last well into or even after the application cycle. Therefore, let’s get the exam done now!

5. Accessible Tutoring

Now that all schools have transferred to virtual learning, tutors have as well! Therefore, all tutors are now accessible online in order to help prepare you for the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT. Additionally, tutoring online at your own home will help you become more aquatinted to your computer and study environment, which will further help you feel comfortable when test day comes!

If you are in search for any guidance in reference to the GRE, GMAT, or LSAT in these times, don’t hesitate to reach out to Prep For Success. Our team is happy to help guide you through this time and develop a study plan that works best for you that is specific to the new exam formats!

You can reach out at or (732) 485.1539.

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